Forms & Zoning


The latest Zoning map for Jackson Township, Columbia County PA can be downloaded using the link below. This map was last updated on XXXX to include the latest FEMA Flood Zone information.

Updated zoning map for Jackson TownshipCurrent Zoning Map

Far an overview of the Jackson Township Zoning Process please click the link to jump to lower down this page.

For all new housing construction, at least 3 forms must be submitted:

  • Zoning permit
  • Driveway permit
  • Sewage permit

For addition of any new structure over 100 square feet, including a new shed, barn, gazebo or other permanent structure, residents must submit the following:

  • Zoning permit

Failure to either submit all required forms and/or start of installation/construction prior to approval of all relevant permits may result in fines of $500 per day.


The links below make it easy for residents to access the most commonly-needed forms. Each is described in more detail below the table – click the “View detail” link to jump to the section that of interest.

FormLinkDate of formFeeJump to Detail
Driveway permitDriveway permit2022View detail
Fence permit – domestic and agricultural2021View detail
Subdivision applicationSubdivision application2009View detail
Timber harvesting permit applicationTimber harvesting permit2022$500View detail
Zoning permitZoning permit2022View detail
Sewage permitView detail

Driveway permit

A driveway permit must be completed for any new temporary or permanent driveway, and must be approved prior to commencement of work. Additional information can be found in the appropriate Ordinance.

Fence permit

A fence permit must be submitted for all new agricultural or residential fence installations. The related Ordinance describes critical information such as Township right of way along roadways, minimal setbacks from neighboring properties, and other critical information.

A new permit must be submitted for any new fence or changes to existing structures, and must be approved prior to commencement of installation.

Subdivision permit

This permit must be submitted and approved prior to any subdivision impacting any property within the Township.

Timber harvesting permit

This permit must be submitted and approved prior to any commercial timber harvesting commences. Note that, as described in the Ordinance, the contractor must also provide a bond in case of any road damage caused by the timbering operation.

Zoning permit

This permit must be submitted and approved for any changes to the current zoning.

Note that, if the application is rejected, the resident(s) affected may request a Zoning Hearing Board meeting. There is a fee for this hearing board meeting, which is outlined in the relevant form.

Sewage permit

This permit must be submitted and approved prior to commencement of work for all new and most replacement sewage systems.

Overview of Jackson Township Zoning Process:

The construction of a new residential home in Jackson Township requires three permits from the Township; a Driveway Permit, a Zoning Permit, and a Sewage Permit.The term zoning includes such things as mobile homes, pre-made sheds and gazabos.  If you have a question please contact the permit officer.  Failure to obtain a permit could result in fines of up to $ 500.00 per day that you do not have a permit.   

If you are building a new home, the first permit you should obtain is the Sewage Permit.  This permit is obtained from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO).  The requirements for this permit are to have a site that has been tested and found to be acceptable for a on-lot sewage disposal system, have the required planning approvals from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and have a approved design for the construction of the sewage system.  The Township SEO will instruct you on what will be required based upon your situation. 

Once you have obtained sewage approval you will need to obtain a Driveway Permit.  If you will be accessing a Township Road this permit will be issued by the Township Road Master.  If the driveway will be accessing a state road, then you will need to contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Penn Dot) for a Highway Occupancy Permit.  If you plan on creating any new access from your property to the road, a driveway permit must be obtained prior to construction. 

Once you have obtained a Sewage, and Driveway permit, you will need to apply for a Zoning permit.  The Zoning permit application can be obtained from the Township Code Officer.  The Code officer will review the application for compliance with the Jackson Township Zoning Ordinance.  If the application is in compliance with the Ordinance, a Zoning Permit will be issued. 

Each project is evaluated using the above criteria, but each project will have its own unique characteristics that must be evaluated.  No two projects are the same, and the requirements for permitting will vary with each individual project.  You should contact the appropriate permitting official to see what will be required for your project.  There are specific time limits for the issuing of permits.  Ask the appropriate official what time requirements, and limits apply. 

The Township Supervisors can be reached at the Township Building (570) 925-2401

The Township Code Officer and SEO is Chris Bower, he can be reached at (570) 458-0316. Please be as succinct as possible when contacting Chris, as the Township is billed for this time.